Oracle BI 12C Installation Error: BI Product Home must be specified in SYS property …: BI_PRODUCT_HOME

The BI 12C Installation throws the following error during the domain creation


BI Installation Error:

BI Configuration:

Config Action BI Configuration Failed

Configure BI Failed with cannon load EndpointManager: java.lang.RuntimeException. BI Product Home must be specified in sys property: or env var:


BI Installation Error Screenshot:


032417_0147_BI12CInstal1 Oracle BI 12C Installation Error: BI Product Home must be specified in SYS property …:BI_PRODUCT_HOME



1. Close the BI 12C Configuration Assistant wizard


2. Run the RCU and Drop your BI schemas using the PREFIX

(Look at step 4 in the DROP RCU SCHEMAS )


3. Run the RCU and create the new BI Schemas again


4. Delete your partially-created BI domain from the following two folders

  1. <MW_HOME>\user_projects\domains
  2. <MW_HOME>\user_projects\applications


5. Create a new system variable that points to the <MW_HOME>\bi folder. For example, Look at the OBIEE 12C Installation

How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service

In my previous post, I have explained step by step installation of OBIEE 12C on Windows machine. In this section, I detailed how to install OBIEE 12C node manager as Windows service. By doing this, we don’t need to start the Node Manager whenever the machine rebooted.

Note: The Node Manager is a WebLogic Machine


To Install OBIEE 12C Node Manager as Windows Service


1. Go to your <BI_DOMAIN_HOME>\bin directory, edit the installNodeMgrSvc.Cmd file set your DOMAIN_HOME property to your BI DOMAIN HOME. Don’t copy till bin directory


032517_1551_Howtoinstal1 How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service


2. Open a command prompt in Administrative mode


032517_1551_Howtoinstal2 How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service


2. Go to your BI Domain Home \ bin directory and run the command installNodeMgrSvc.cmd . Make sure you receive a successful Windows service creation message at the end of the command prompt


032517_1551_Howtoinstal3 How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service


3. Open your Windows services, use the start /stop/ restart to control the Windows Node Manager service


032517_1551_Howtoinstal4 How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service



How to Uninstall the Node Manager Windows service when it no longer needed


4. Stop the Windows Node Manager Service (Step 3), Open a command prompt as Administrator, and issue command ‘sc delete <SERIVICE_NAME>‘ like below


032517_1551_Howtoinstal5 How to install OBIEE 12C NodeManager as Windows Service

How to create a WebLogic Machine (12C)

  • WebLogic machine is a logical representation of the server that hosts the WebLogic
  • In a clustered environment, each server host a WebLogic machine
  • The managed servers and Admin server can be associated with a WebLogic machine
  • A WebLogic Machine requires a NAME, TYPE, LISTEN ADDRESS & PORT
  • User can create multiple machines in a WebLogic domain
  • The (cmd) script is used to start the machine
  • Once the machine is started, user can control the WebLogic servers like start or stop the servers

Create a WebLogic Machine

1. Login into to WebLogic console http://HOST:PORT/console

2. Click on Machines and select New

030217_0127_HowtoCreate1 How to Create a WebLogic Machine

3. Input a machine name

030217_0127_HowtoCreate2 How to Create a WebLogic Machine

4. Enable the desired Type, port number and click Finish

030217_0127_HowtoCreate3 How to Create a WebLogic Machine